Reactor Labs
A news RSS aggregator that allowed users to create custom newspapers. Created authentication scheme using passport.js and forgotton password route. Created unit tests for scheme.
Technologies Used
- Node.js
- JQuery
- Gulp
- Chai
A news RSS aggregator that allowed users to create custom newspapers. Created authentication scheme using passport.js and forgotton password route. Created unit tests for scheme.
Microloan company internal facing sales webapp. Worked across the stack to create a data driven client in angular that consumed a sails.js hosted REST API.
Client linked similarily themed subsidiaries off of main site. Wordpress page integration with a variety of modifications. Created registration process for Washington DC event.
The card game of Speed translated into a webapp. Node and websockets are used to update the board in real time. Game requires two instances to begin play.
A chat application meant to facilitate debate. Initial foray into Node and Angular. Uses and passport.js for authentication
Simple two player tic-tac-toe using angular and firebase. This was later developed into an AI vs AI mode which ends after an AI player wins ten games. Games played are then displayed for replay.